June 2022

84000新英譯佛典:《勤授長者所問經》(大正藏:《大寶積經勤授長者會 第二十八》

30 Jun 2022

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16 Jun 2022


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The Magnificent Account About a Sow

16 Jun 2022

In The Magnificent Account About a Sow, the Buddha recounts the earlier events surrounding a god in Trāyastriṃśa heaven who foresaw that he would be reborn as a pig in Rājagṛha. At the encouragement of Śakra, this god, in the final moments of agony before his death, took refuge in the Three Jewels and thereby attained rebirth in the even higher Tuṣita heaven.
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14 Jun 2022

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The Perfection of Wisdom in Eighteen Thousand Lines

14 Jun 2022

The Perfection of Wisdom in Eighteen Thousand Lines is one version of the Long Perfection of Wisdom sūtras that developed in South and South-Central Asia in tandem with the Eight Thousand version, probably during the first five hundred years of the Common Era. It contains many of the passages in the oldest extant Long Perfection of Wisdom text (the Gilgit manuscript in Sanskrit), and is similar in structure to the other versions of the Long Perfection of Wisdom sūtras (the One Hundred Thousand and Twenty-Five Thousand) in Tibetan in the Kangyur.
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Press Release: A One-Hundred-Year Vision Clearly Within Reach

12 Jun 2022

On the auspicious day of Saga Dawa Düchen—commemorating the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and Parinirvāṇa—84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha announces that 25 percent of the 70,000 page Tibetan Kangyur has now been published in English translation and made freely available to the world. This significant milestone in 84000’s one-hundred-year project has been reached along with the publication of a translation of one the longest sūtras in the Tibetan Buddhist canon, The Perfection of Wisdom in Eighteen Thousand Lines.
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百年願景:一步一腳印 穩步向前行

12 Jun 2022

於此紀念佛陀誕生、成道與涅槃的薩噶達瓦佛吉祥日,【八萬四千 • 佛典傳譯】隆重宣佈:長達七萬頁的《甘珠爾》經典中已有超過總數四分之一的經典被翻譯成英文並於84000雲端藏經閣發布了。與此同時,84000也發布了長篇經典《般若波羅蜜多一萬八千頌》The Perfection of Wisdom in Eighteen Thousand Lines.。至此,84000的百年願景達到了一個嶄新的里程碑!
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