February 2023


28 Feb 2023

84000翻譯並發布了第一部《丹珠爾》論釋:《聖般若波羅蜜多十萬(頌)二萬五千(頌)一萬八千(頌)廣註疏》The Long Explanation of the Noble Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand, Twenty-Five Thousand, and Eighteen Thousand Lines.

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28 Feb 2023



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Q&A | Publishing Translations from the Tengyur

28 Feb 2023

We are delighted to have recently announced the publication of our very first translation from the Tengyur: a commentary on the Long Perfection of Wisdom sūtras. We work on the research and translation of texts for years and spend hundreds …
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Teachings on Sūtra | Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche

22 Feb 2023

This Chötrul Düchen Teachings on Sūtra episode features Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche speaking on ‘Aspiration.’ Rinpoche tells the story of the Buddha’s previous life as Samudrareṇu (“Ocean Particle”) in The White Lotus of Compassion (Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka-sutra, Toh 112). 84000 will be publishing the translation later this year.
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84000新英譯佛典: 《聖般若波羅蜜多十萬(頌)二萬五千(頌)一萬八千(頌)廣註疏》

21 Feb 2023

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The Long Explanation of the Noble Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand, Twenty-Five Thousand, and Eighteen Thousand Lines

21 Feb 2023

The Long Explanation of the Noble Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand, Twenty-Five Thousand, and Eighteen Thousand Lines is a detailed explanation of the Long Perfection of Wisdom sūtras, presenting a structural framework for them that is relatively easy to understand in comparison to most other commentaries based on Maitreya-Asaṅga’s Ornament for the Clear Realizations.
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17 Feb 2023






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