November 2021

The Developer of the 84000 Mobile App on his Offering of Wisdom to the World

30 Nov 2021

Two years ago, Sun Fang (Brian Sun), approached us with an offer to develop an 84000 app from scratch and we were incredibly humbled by the magnanimity of Brian’s offer. We are deeply grateful for Brian and his team at XMind for their unwavering commitment in bringing this app to life, and recently sat down with him to learn more about the motivation and the process.
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Śrīgupta Sūtra

18 Nov 2021

The Śrīgupta Sūtra tells the story of a plot against the life of Śākyamuni Buddha. At his guru’s instigation, a wealthy young Jain named Śrīgupta invites the Buddha to the midday meal at his house in Rājagṛha, where he has secretly prepared a fire trap and a poisoned meal.
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Distinguished Professor, Donald Lopez, Reviews 84000

16 Nov 2021

As a project that strives to translate the entire Tibetan Buddhist Canon for the general educated reader, maintaining the quality and readability of our translations is a non-negotiable. While we strive to maintain the highest academic standards in our research, methodology, and accuracy, we also try to make the language of our English publications accessible to the educated general reader.
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Teaching the Five Perfections

11 Nov 2021

Teaching the Five Perfections is a compilation of five short sūtras that each present the practice of one of the five perfections in which bodhisattvas train on the path of the Great Vehicle: generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, and concentration. These five perfections embody the skillful methods of the bodhisattva path, and, as these sūtras show, they should always be combined with an understanding of the state of omniscience, the sixth perfection of insight that is supposed to permeate the practice of the first five perfections.
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Surata’s Questions

4 Nov 2021

In this sūtra, Surata’s Questions follows Surata, a seemingly poor vagabond endowed with a wealth of ethical virtue. The juxtaposition of Surata’s poverty with the abundance of his moral merits forms a central theme of the sūtra. After being tested by the god Śakra, Surata finds a precious gem that he decides to give to the poorest person in the city.
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