October 2023

佛經導讀 | 培養菩薩心

24 Oct 2023

在即將來臨的天降日,我們邀請尊貴的詠給明就仁波切給予直播開示。仁波切將參照《聖臨終智大乘經》The Sūtra of Wisdom at the Hour of Death講述如何培養菩薩心。
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Discussions of Thus-Gone Ones

13 Oct 2023

Discussions of Thus-Gone Onesbegins in the Jeta Grove as the Buddha Śākyamuni emerges from a three-month-long meditative absorption. It is revealed that while he was absorbed in this meditative state, he was actually having conversations with many other buddhas across many worlds, discussing the essential nature of all phenomena.
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