February 2022

The Seal of Dharma

17 Feb 2022

In this short sūtra, the Buddha addresses the nature of monastic ordination according to the perspective of the Great Vehicle and how going forth from the life of a householder can be said to have the qualities of being noble and supramundane.
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The Dhāraṇī of the Six Gates

10 Feb 2022

The Dhāraṇī of the Six Gates is a short text that consists mainly of a dhāraṇī taught by the Buddha to an assembly of bodhisattvas. It appears to have enjoyed a certain level of popularity, since we find many copies of it among the Dunhuang documents in Tibetan and Chinese, as well as several Indian, Tibetan, and Chinese commentaries and recitation texts based on it.
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Teachings on Sūtra | Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

9 Feb 2022

On Losar, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche speaks on 84000’s new publication of the sūtra The Good Eon,  a seminal text from the Kangyur in which the Buddha delivers an elaborate discourse on the six perfections to an audience of bodhisattvas who will be known as buddhas in the future.
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3 Feb 2022

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