Translation Grants

Drawing on the expertise of scholars and practitioners around the world, 84000 is a collaborative effort to translate the Kangyur and Tengyur into English. To date, we have awarded over 165 grants—totaling more than US $8.5 million—to over 60 translation groups around the world.

Grant Information

Our grants enable suitably experienced translators to research and produce a translation of a designated text, along with an introduction, glossary, and notes, that would be submitted for editorial review. 84000 grant holders receive project-specific support from our experienced editorial team throughout the grant period.

To translate the remaining texts of the Kangyur, now almost all from the Tantra and Dhāraṇī sections, we are currently looking for experienced translators with specialized knowledge of the genres concerned.

Information for applicants

Translators are generally encouraged to work in teams, although projects by individual translators who have all the necessary skills will also be considered.

If you are interested in applying to translate one or several texts from the Tantra and Dhāraṇī sections, please contact the Grants Committee ( to present your idea.

Include the following information when you write to us:

  • Title and Tohoku number of the text(s) you propose to translate
  • Text(s) you propose to translate
  • Planned start and completion dates
  • Grant amount you are requesting for your project (see ‘Funding’)
  • Attach CV(s) of the main translator(s).

We will then get back to you shortly thereafter with initial feedback.


As a general guideline, 84000 awards grants of approximately US $200-$250 per Degé-edition page, i.e. one side of a Tibetan folio in the Degé Kangyur, for a final finished translation (including all ancillary elements). Proposals with a budget estimate that exceeds this amount will not be considered.

Schedule for grant applications

The Grants Committee reviews applications on a continuous basis.

For grant-related inquiries, please contact us at:

Individual grant recipients
  • Adam T. Miller
  • Daniel McNamara
  • David A. Gitlen
  • David Jackson
  • Dylan Esler
  • Elizabeth Angowski
  • Gareth Sparham
  • Julian Schott
  • Joshua Capitanio
  • Karl Brunnholzl
  • Kris Anderson
  • Matthew T. Kapstein
  • Nicholas Schmidt
  • Paul Hackett
  • Paul Harrison
  • Peter Skilling
  • Péter-Dániel Szántó
  • Ronald M. Davidson
  • Robert A. F. Thurman
  • Robert Kritzer
  • Susan Roach
  • Thupten Tashi
  • Ven. Gyalten Jigdrel
Translation teams recipients
Abhidhanottara Translation Project
  • David B. Gray
  • Olga Serbaeva
  • Peter-Daniel Szanto
  • Shaman Hatley
Achi Translation Group
  • Khenchen Nyima Gyaltsen
  • Ven. Konchog Tenzin (Mark Riege)
  • Virginia Blum
  • Ven. Yeshe Metog (Claudia Jürgens)
  • Meghan Howard
Adam Pearcey
  • Alak Zenkar Rinpoche
  • Adam Pearcey
Alexander Csoma de Kőrös Translation Group
  • Karma Dorje (Rabjampa)
  • Zsuzsa Majer
  • Krisztina Teleki
  • William Dewey
  • Beáta Kakas
Ali Kali Translation Group
  • Karma Dorje (Rabjampa)
  • Zsuzsa Majer
  • William Dewey
Anandaśrī Translation Team
  • Bruno Galasek-Hul
  • Stephen Jenkins
Aṅgulimālīya Translation Team
  • Christopher Jones
  • Kazuo Kanō
Anne Burchardi and team
  • Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche
  • Anne Burchardi
  • Ulrich Pagel
Annie Bien and team
  • Geshe Dorji Damdul
  • Annie Bien
  • Leslie Kriesel
  • Paul Hackett
  • Robert A. F. Thurman
  • Geshe Lozang Jamspal
  • Marcus Bingenheimer
  • Robert Beer
Bhaiṣajyavastu Translation Team
  • Fumi Yao
  • Shayne Clarke
Bhikṣuṇī Thubten Damcho and team
  • Geshema Tenzin Lhadron (Chopa Tenzin Lhadron)
  • Bhikṣuṇī Thubten Damcho
  • Bhikṣuṇī Heng Ching Shih
  • Norbu Samphel
Blazing Wisdom Translation Group
  • Khenpo Sonam Tobgyal Rinpoche
  • Virginia Blum
  • Tulku Sherdor
  • Meghan Howard
  • Hans Schmidt
  • Geok Hui Loo
Bodhicharya Translation Group
  • Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
  • Lama Karma Wangmo
  • Holly Gayley
  • Joshua Shelton
  • L.S. Summer
  • Zhujun Ma
Bodhinidhi Translation Group
  • Khenpo Chowang
  • Thomas Cruijsen
Bruno Galasek-Hul and team
  • Lama Kunga Thartse Rinpoche
  • Bruno Galasek-Hul
  • Roxanne Shooshani
Buddhapīṭha Translation Group
  • Gergely Hidas
  • Péter-Dániel Szántó
Buddhavacana Translation Group
  • Khenpo Konchok Tamphel
  • Gregory Forgues
  • Rolf Scheuermann
  • Casey Kemp
  • Dennis Johnson
  • Khenpo Ngawang Wöser
Charles DiSimone and Jin Kyoung Choi
  • Charles DiSimone
  • Jin Kyoung Choi
Dakarnava Translation Project
  • Doboom Tulku Rinpoche
  • David B. Gray
  • Olga Serbaeva
  • Iain Sinclair
  • Tsunehiko Sugiki
Dakpa Gyatso and team
  • Khenpo Zhonu Nyima
  • Khenpo Tsulnam Rinpoche
  • Dakpa Gyatso
  • Barbara Hazelton
  • Rory Tasker
  • Wangchuk Dorje Negi
Dharmachakra Translation Committee
  • Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche
  • Lama Tenzin Sangpo
  • Lama Karma Oser
  • Andreas Doctor
  • James Duncan Gentry
  • Thomas Doctor
  • Ven. Ani Jinpa (Eugenie De Jong)
  • Anna Zilman
  • Benjamin Collet-Cassart
  • Benjamin Ewing
  • Catherine Dalton
  • Chloe Cramer
  • Daniel Patrick McNamara
Dharmasagara Translation Group
  • Raktrul Ngawang Kunga Rinpoche (Pema Dorjee)
  • Rebecca Hufen
  • Jason Sanche
  • Shanshan Jia
  • Arne Schelling
  • Sonam Spitz
Four Reliances Translations
  • Geshe Yama Rinchen
  • David Rawson
  • Russell Shipman
  • Seth Davis
  • Karma Samten
  • Bjarke Aage
Garchen Buddhist Institute Translation Group
  • Garchen Rinpoche
  • Ven. Lama Gape
  • Khenpo Gawang
  • Khenpo Samdrub
  • Ina Bieler
  • Catherine J. Ondek
Ina Bieler and team
  • Garchen Rinpoche
  • Ina Bieler
  • Ilana Cohen
  • Amber Moore
  • C. Rocco Cheng
John Dunne and Jeremy Manheim
  • John D. Dunne
  • Jeremy Manheim
Karen Liljenberg and team
  • Karen Liljenberg
  • Ulrich Pagel
Karma Gyaltsen Ling
  • Maurizio Pontiggia (Lama Tsering Wangchuk)
  • Chryse Tringos-Allen
  • Ariadni Gerouki
Kirtimukha Translation Group
  • Celso Wilkinson
  • Laura Goetz
  • L.S. Summer
  • Lopon Damchoe Wangmo
  • William James Giddings
Lhasey Lotsawa Translations and Publications
  • Phakchok Rinpoche
  • Stefan Mang
  • Alex Yiannopoulos
  • Lowell Cook
  • Peter Woods
  • Laura Dainty
  • Ryan Conlon
  • Roger Espel Llima
  • Paul Thomas
  • Oriane Lavolé
Lochung Translation Committee
  • Cuilan Liu
  • Andrew Francis
  • Jamyang Rinchen
Lokaksi Translator Group
  • Ruth Gamble
  • Tenzin Ringpapontsang
  • Harmony DenRonden
  • John Powers
Mahaprajapati Gautami Translation Group
  • Khenmo Karma Yangchen
  • Drupchen Dorje
  • Felicia Rosas
  • Daniele Vargas
Maitripa Translation Group
  • Yangsi Rinpoche
  • Andrew Hughes
  • Bertram G. Liyanage
  • Dorjee Gyaltsen Gurung
  • Jane Robinette
  • Namdrol Miranda Adams
  • Roberta Raine
  • Samuel Go
Mañjughoṣa Translation Project Leipzig
  • Lopön Tsöndrü
  • Rolf Scheuermann
  • Stefan Schley
  • Per Sørensen
  • Lewis Doney
Nalanda Translation Committee
  • Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen
  • Scott Wellenbach
  • Larry Mermelstein
  • Jacqueline Connaughton
  • Jessie Litven
  • Ryan Jones
  • David Birch
  • Andy Karr
  • Linda Lewis
  • Robert Vogler
Norwegian Institute of Palaeography and Historical Philology (PHI)
  • Jens Braarvig
  • David Welsh
  • Fredrik Liland
  • Andrew Skilton
Padmakara Translation Group
  • Pema Wangyal Rinpoche
  • Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche
  • John Canti
  • Gyurme Dorje
  • Charles Hastings
  • Greg Seton
  • Patrick Carré
  • Sangseraima Ujeed
  • Khenpo Pema Sherab
Patrick Lambelet and Caley Smith
  • Patrick Lambelet
  • Caley Smith
Pema Yeshé Dé Translation Group
  • Giuliano Francisco Proença
  • Leticia Osorio
  • Daniela Espíndola
  • Joaquim Monteiro
Peter Roberts and team
  • Tulku Yeshi Rinpoche
  • Emily Bower
  • Peter Alan Roberts
  • Geoff Picus
  • Ben Gleason
  • Tracy Davis
  • Ling-Lung Chen
  • Wang Chih Pan
  • Guilaine Mala
Prajñājñāna Translation Group
  • Bruno Galasek-Hul
  • Julian Schott
  • Cécile Ducher
  • Anthony Tribe
Ratnaśrī Translation Group
  • Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche
  • Khenpo Konchok Tamphel
  • Casey Kemp
  • Kay Candler
  • Acharya Shanta Kumar Negi
Robert Mayer and team
  • Khenpo Gyurme Tsultrim
  • Ven. Changling Rinpoche
  • Lopon P. Ogyan Tanzin
  • Lama Kunzang Dorje
  • Cathy Cantwell
  • Robert Mayer
  • Vesna Wallace
Robert Miller and team
  • Geshé Tséwang Nyima
  • Robert Miller
  • Fumi Yao
  • Matthew Wuethrich
  • Maurice Ozaine
  • Diana Finnegan (Ven. Lhundup Damchö)
  • Haiyan Hu-von Hinüber
Sakya Pandita Translation Group
  • Ven. Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen
  • Ven. Khenpo Ngawang Jorden
  • Rev. Dr. Ani Kunga Chodron
  • Ven. Lama Jampa Losal
  • Yangchen Dolkar Tsatultsang
  • Ven. Jampa Tenzing Bhutia
  • Ven. Ngawang Tenzin Gurung
  • Christian Bernert
  • Julia Stenzel
  • Ngawang Rinchen Gyaltsen
  • Tsewang Gyaltsen
  • Jamyang Choesang
  • Boyce Teoh
  • Solvej Nielsen
  • Pamela Gayle White
  • Vivian Paganuzzi
  • C. Upender Rao
  • Emma T. Cobb
Sarasvatī Translation Team
  • Shenghai Li
  • Zhuo Siyu
  • Steven Rhodes
  • Eleanor Brunnen
Sonam Tsering and team
  • Sonam Tsering
  • Norzin Dolma
Steven Weinberger and team
  • Steven Weinberger
  • James Duncan Gentry
Subhashita Translation Group
  • Benjamin Ewing
  • Lowell Cook
  • Julia Stenzel
  • Lara Braitstein
  • Jeffrey Kotyk
Tenpa Tsering and team
  • Khentrul Gyurme Dorjee
  • Tenpa Tsering
  • Davis A. Baltz
Tibetan Classics Translators Guild of New York
  • Geshe Lozang Jamspal
  • Kaia Fischer
  • David R. Kittay
  • David Mellins
  • Norman Guberman
  • Erin Sperry
Tsunehiko Sugiki and team
  • Tsunehiko Sugiki
  • Péter-Dániel Szántó
  • Junglan Bang
UCSB Buddhist Studies Translation Group
  • José I. Cabezón
  • Jake Nagasawa
  • Jed Forman
  • Taryn Sue
  • Patrick Lambelet
  • Michael Ium
  • ErdeneBaatar Erdene-Ochir
  • Jaakko Takkinen
  • Daigengna Duoer
  • Caley Smith
  • Jackson Stephenson
University of Bonn Translation Group
  • Lewis Doney
  • Kalsang Norbu Gurung
  • Shonu Dhondup
  • Charles DiSimone
  • Channa Li
University of Calgary Buddhist Studies
  • James B. Apple
  • Shinobu A. Apple
University of Toronto
  • Khenpo Kunga Sherab
  • Frances Garrett
  • Ben Wood
  • Gareth Sparham
  • Amanda Goodman
Vienna Buddhist Translation Studies Group
  • Klaus-Dieter Mathes
  • Konstantin Brockhausen
  • Susanne Fleischmann
  • Katrin Querl
  • Julika Weber
  • Doris Unterthurner
  • Jamie Gordon Creek
  • Daniel Gratzer
  • Georgi Krastev
  • Cécile Ducher
  • Alexandra Sukhanova
Vikramashila Translation House
  • Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche
  • Khenpo Nyima Gyaltsen
  • Nubpa Rinpoche
  • Khenpo Konchok Monlam
  • Samantha Hung
  • Meghan Howard
  • Tracy (Howard) Stilerman
  • Kay Candler
  • Ven. Konchog Tharcin
  • Ven. Master Jian Deng
Yangdar Translation Group
  • Lowell Cook
  • Jessica Locke
Grants Committee
  • Huang Jing Rui, Chair
  • Dr. John Canti
  • Dr. Andreas Doctor
  • Dr. Ryan Damron
  • Dr. Nathaniel Rich
  • Dr. Nathaniel Rich
  • Amy Ang, Grants Coordinator
  • Line Tofte, Grants Administrator
  • Dr. Tom Tillemans, Professor Emeritus, University of Lausanne
  • Dr. James Gentry, Stanford University

Job Opportunities

Full Stack Developer
Oct 4, 2024
We are looking for an experienced Full Stack Developer with a strong proficiency in Next.js, Supabase, and GraphQL to join our dynamic technology team. As a key player in the development and enhancement of our next-generation content platform, you will be responsible for both frontend and backend development. If you are passionate about building scalable, high-performance applications and thrive in a collaborative environment, we want to hear from you.