May 2024

The Four Boys’ Absorption

30 May 2024

The Four Boys’ Absorption narrates the Buddha Śākyamuni’s passing away (or parinirvāṇa) in the Yamakaśāla Grove near Kuśinagara. Ānanda has a portentous dream that is confirmed by the Buddha to be an indication that he will soon die. Widespread panic spreads through the various realms of this world system, and as gods and other beings converge on the forest grove near Kuśinagara, tragic scenes of mourning ensue.
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The Prophecy for Bhadra the Illusionist

28 May 2024

While the Buddha Śākyamuni is residing at Vulture Peak Mountain, in the nearby city of Rājagṛha the accomplished illusionist Bhadra hatches a scheme to humiliate the Buddha and disprove his omniscience in order to win over the people of Magadha. The failure of Bhadra’s plan, in which he conjures the illusion of a resplendent courtyard that, to his dismay, cannot be undone, culminates in a series of surreal and magnificent visions that convince Bhadra of the superiority of the Buddha’s powers.
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The Buddha’s Collected Teachings Repudiating Those Who Violate the Discipline

28 May 2024

When Śāriputra voices amazement at how the Buddha uses words to point out the inexpressible ways in which nothing has true existence, the Buddha responds with an uncompromising teaching on how the lack of true existence and the absence of a self are indeed not simply philosophical views but the very cornerstone of the Dharma.
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84000新英譯佛典 : 《幻師仁賢授記經》 (大正藏:《大寶積經授幻師跋陀羅記會第二十一》)

28 May 2024

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84000新英譯佛典 : 《五戒利益經》

24 May 2024


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The Benefits of the Five Precepts

24 May 2024

In the first of the two parts of The Benefits of the Five Precepts, a man and woman who have been married since they were very young and have never been unfaithful to each other ask the Buddha how they can remain together in future lives. The Buddha replies that this is possible for couples such as them who are equal in faith, ethical discipline, generosity, and wisdom, and who practice the Dharma together.
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佛經導讀 + 經典迴響 | 宗薩欽哲仁波切

23 May 2024

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