September 2023


29 Sep 2023


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The Four Factors

29 Sep 2023

In this short sūtra the Buddha explains that throughout one’s life there are four beliefs one should not hold: (1) that there is pleasure to be found among women, (2) or at the royal court; (3) that happiness can be ensured by depending on health and attractiveness, (4) or on wealth and material possessions.
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29 Sep 2023

這是由世親所著《聖四法大乘經》(Toh 251)的簡短釋論。《聖四法大乘經》宣說菩薩道不可棄捨之四法:一不捨菩提心,二不捨善知識,三不捨安忍調柔,四不捨阿蘭若。釋論中提出宣說此經的種種目的,解釋為何經中將菩薩稱為大乘行者,說明四法所對治的修行障礙、所支持的有利因素,以及聲聞、辟支佛為何不被稱作菩薩。

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Great Cool Grove

15 Sep 2023

The Sūtra of Great Cool Grove, one of five texts that constitute the Pañcarakṣā scriptural collection, has been among the most popular texts used for pragmatic purposes throughout the Mahāyāna Buddhist world. This sūtra promises protection for the Buddha’s “four communities”‍—monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen‍—against a range of illnesses and obstacles originating from the hosts of spirit entities who reside in remote wilderness retreats.
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84000新英譯佛典:《明咒妃大隨求母》(大正藏:《普遍光明清淨熾盛如意寶印心無能勝大明王 大隨求陀羅尼經》)

15 Sep 2023

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