May 2021

《百業經》 圖文珍藏版

26 May 2021

2021年薩噶達瓦吉祥日,84000隆重推出圖文珍藏版《百業經》。 去年翻譯並出版完成的《百業經》是84000的重要成果之一。為了紀念成立十週年,我們邀請了世界各地的兒童為《百業經》當中的127個故事繪製配圖。 願這份具紀念意義的圖文珍藏版 《百業經》令您感到歡喜,也願佛法在世世代代人們的心中不斷萌芽。

The Hundred Deeds | An Illustrated Edition

26 May 2021

On the auspicious occasion of Saga Dawa 2021, we are launching a special edition illustrated publication of one of our favorite sūtras, The Hundred Deeds, and here we are thrilled to share with you a wonderful gallery of these precious drawings.  Last …
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Teachings on Sūtra | Erik Pema Kunsang

18 May 2021

We invite you to join us for a one-hour event beginning with guest speaker Erik Pema Kunsang on how the past life stories in the Kangyur can inspire us and deepen our practice, and concluding with a global live sūtra resounding of The Hundred Deeds. 
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The Dhāraṇī Endowed with the Attributes of All the Buddhas

13 May 2021

This sūtra records an encounter between the Buddha and the four guardians of the world at an unspecified site on the banks of the Ganges River. The Buddha himself initiates the dialogue, describing four great fears‍—aging, sickness, decrepitude, and death‍—declaring death to be the chief among them, and promising to provide remedies for them.
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