March 2022

Auspicious Night

24 Mar 2022

In Auspicious Night, the deity Candana appears before a monk in Rājagṛha and asks if he knows of the Buddha’s teaching called Auspicious Night. Since the monk has never heard of it, the deity encourages the monk to ask the Buddha himself, who is staying nearby. At the monk’s request, the Buddha teaches him how to continuously remain in a contemplative state by following guidelines…
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Infinite Jewels

10 Mar 2022

While residing at Vulture Peak Mountain with a large community of monks, the Buddha is visited by the bodhisattva Mañjuśrī. The sūtra unfolds as a series of exchanges between the Buddha, Mañjuśrī, and the monk Śāriputra, elucidating a profound vision of reality as undifferentiated, nondual, and all-pervasive.

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3 Mar 2022

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The Good Eon

3 Mar 2022

The Good Eon recounts the names and circumstances pertaining to all the one thousand and four buddhas who will appear in our world during this current eon, which is commonly known among Mahāyāna Buddhists as the Good Eon. Listed as the first scripture in the General Sūtra section of most Kangyur collections, it is among the longest of the Mahāyāna sūtras translated into Tibetan.
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