December 2022

84000新英譯佛典:《最上燈明陀羅尼》 (大正藏:《佛說最上燈明如來陀羅尼經》)

16 Dec 2022

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9 Dec 2022

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The Dhāraṇī for Secret Relics

9 Dec 2022

On his way to honor a brahmin’s invitation for a midday meal, the Buddha comes across an old stūpa that resembles a rubbish heap. Subsequently, while in conversation with Vajrapāṇi, the Buddha reveals that the stūpa contains the doctrinal synopsis for a dhāraṇī that embodies the essence of the blessings of innumerable buddhas. He also explains that the stūpa is, in fact, made of precious materials and that its lowly appearance is merely due to the lack of beings’ merit.
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84000新英譯佛典:《仙人廣博所問經》(大正藏:《大寶積經廣博仙人會 第四十九》)

2 Dec 2022

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The Seer Vyāsa’s Questions

2 Dec 2022

In The Seer Vyāsa’s Questions, a great seer named Vyāsa, a non-Buddhist mendicant, approaches the Buddha with a large group of followers to inquire about the karmic results of giving. Some of the key points taught in this sūtra are such karmic results and the distinction between pure and impure giving.
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