August 2023

84000新英譯佛典: 與大白傘蓋佛母相關之四部經文

4 Aug 2023

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Four Publication of Sitātapatrā

4 Aug 2023

The above four texts from the Kangyur are centered on the goddess Sitātapatrā, the “White Umbrella goddess,” and her dhāraṇī or spell, the practice of which has been widely used in Buddhist traditions over the centuries to avert all sorts of misfortunes, illnesses, and obstacles, and is still popular today. Sitātapatrā was emanated by the Buddha from his uṣṇīṣa while he was in deep meditation in the Heaven of the Thirty-Three. In some of the texts she is identified with other female deities such as Tārā.
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