December 2023

The Sūtra of the Moon(2)

12 Dec 2023

The Sūtra of the Moon (2) is a short text that presents a Buddhist description of a lunar eclipse. On one occasion, while the Buddha is residing in Campā, the moon is covered by Rāhu, lord of the asuras, which causes an eclipse. The god of the moon asks the Buddha for refuge, after which the Buddha urges Rāhu to release the moon.
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84000新英譯佛典 : 《日經》

12 Dec 2023


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84000新英譯佛典 : 《月經》(2) (大正藏:《雜阿含經》第五百八十三經)

12 Dec 2023

這部簡短的經文描述了佛教觀點中的月蝕。一時,佛住瞻波城,阿修羅王羅睺羅手障於月,導致月蝕。月天請求皈依佛陀,爾後佛令羅睺羅速放彼月。另一阿修羅王跋羅見此而詢問其故,羅睺羅解釋道:「我聞佛說偈,若不放月者,頭當破七分。」 爾時跋羅說偈贊嘆諸佛出現於世。本經收錄於《甘珠爾》大藏經、漢傳《阿含經》、巴利文《尼柯耶》,亦是守護經之一。

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The Sūtra of the Sun

12 Dec 2023

The Sūtra of the Sun is a short discourse providing a Buddhist account of a solar eclipse. On one occasion while the Buddha is residing in Śrāvastī, the sun is seized by Rāhu, lord of the asuras, which causes an eclipse. The god of the sun asks the Buddha for refuge, after which the Buddha urges Rāhu to release the sun.
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The Sūtra of the Moon (1)

12 Dec 2023

The Sūtra of the Moon (1)is a short discourse providing a Buddhist account of a lunar eclipse. On one occasion while the Buddha is residing in Śrāvastī, the moon is seized by Rāhu, lord of the asuras, which causes an eclipse. The god of the moon asks the Buddha for refuge, after which the Buddha urges Rāhu to release the moon.
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84000新英譯佛典 : 《月經》(1) (大正藏 《雜阿含經》第五百八十三經)

12 Dec 2023


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84000第五屆「菩提樹下 • 經典迴響」

1 Dec 2023

2023年10月18-27日,有1500多人參與了84000在宗薩祈願大法會當中舉辦的經典迴響活動, 這個活動對於84000來說意義非凡。
在宗薩欽哲確吉羅卓佛學院的協辦下,本次經典迴響念誦的佛典是《佛說大乘入諸佛境界智光明莊嚴經》 The Ornament of the Light of Awareness That Enters the Domain of All Buddhas ,參與者在30分鐘內分別以英文、藏文和中文同時唸誦,從而將整部經典完整地迴響在佛陀的證悟之地。
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Resounding Under the Bodhi Tree

1 Dec 2023

An incredible gathering in Bodhgaya, India, as 84000 joined over 1500 people at the Dzongsar Monlam this October.   On October 22, 2023, 84000 co-hosted a sūtra resounding of The Ornament of the Light of Awareness That Enters the Domain …
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