January 2023

What Mendicants Hold Most Dear

20 Jan 2023

What Mendicants Hold Most Dear contains the Buddha’s answer to a question by Upāli, the Buddha’s foremost disciple in knowledge and mastery of the Vinaya. Upāli asks the Buddha to teach about the nature, types, and obligations of mendicants and about the meaning of this term.
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6 Jan 2023

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The Basket without Words, The Illuminator’s Matrix

6 Jan 2023

The Basket without Words, The Illuminator’s Matrix unfolds in Rājagṛha on Vulture Peak, where the Buddha is dwelling with a great assembly. The bodhisattva Viśeṣacintin requests the Buddha to give a teaching on two words and asks him to explain one factor that bodhisattvas should abandon, one quality that encompasses all the foundations of the training when safeguarded by bodhisattvas, and one phenomenon to which thus-gone ones truly and perfectly awaken.
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眾籌計畫|點亮心燈 傳譯般若

1 Jan 2023

《般若波羅蜜多十萬頌》這部經承載著大乘佛教的核心教義,是佛陀言教中極為重要且篇幅最長的經典之一, 亦是般若波羅蜜多經典於人間所得中最長篇的,記載了佛陀於靈鷲山長達30年裡最詳盡的傳法開示。

2023年1月1日,我們將啟動「點亮心燈 傳譯般若」眾籌計畫,以期將這一萬頁經典完整地翻譯成英文並出版!這部經的篇幅佔《甘珠爾》經典的15%,預計翻譯出版週期將為5-8年。在一些護持者的發心贊助下,大部份經費已經籌獲,餘款將以眾籌方式廣邀十方大眾共植福田,共同成就將英文版經典首次呈現世間的功德!
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