January 2024

The Bali Ritual to Relieve the Female Preta Flaming Mouth

26 Jan 2024

This short text narrates Ānanda’s nocturnal encounter in the Banyan Grove in Kapilavastu with a gruesome female preta, or “hungry ghost,” with a burning mouth. The ghost tells Ānanda that he will die imminently and be reborn in the realm of the pretas unless he satisfies innumerable pretas with offerings of food the following morning. Terrified, Ānanda goes quickly to the Buddha and asks for advice.
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84000新英譯佛典 : 《焰口鬼女通息供養儀軌》 (大正藏:《佛說救面然餓鬼陀羅尼神咒經》)

26 Jan 2024


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84000新英譯佛典 : 《滅十方冥經》(大正藏:《佛說滅十方冥經》)

5 Jan 2024

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