July 2022

秋吉尼瑪仁波切佛經導讀 |《轉法輪經 》

23 Jul 2022

誠邀您於2022年8月1日紀念佛陀初轉法輪的吉祥日前來參加由尊貴的秋吉尼瑪仁波切給予的經文開示—The Sūtra of the Wheel of Dharma(《轉法輪經 》,大正藏 No 99:《雜阿含經》)。
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Teachings on Sūtra | Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

23 Jul 2022

We invite you to join us live on Monday, August 1, with the well-respected teacher, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche who will teach 84000’s publication of The Sūtra of the Wheel of Dharma, on this special occasion of Chökor Düchen.
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14 Jul 2022

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The Teaching on the Effulgence of Light

14 Jul 2022

The Teaching on the Effulgence of Light consists of a series of teachings related to the lights emitted by awakened beings as manifestations of their spiritual achievements. Amid the display of his miraculous powers, the Buddha describes the specific qualities with which each of those lights is associated, and he repeatedly emphasizes the fact that such lights are a natural expression of the insight into the emptiness of all phenomena.
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7 Jul 2022


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The Sūtra of Jñānaka

7 Jul 2022

In the Heaven of the Thirty-Three, a god has reached the end of his life. He foresees his rebirth as a pig and calls out to the Buddha to save him. The Buddha prompts him to seek refuge in the Three Jewels and, as a result, the god finds himself reborn into a wealthy family in Vaiśālī.
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