September 2022

The Sūtra of Vasiṣṭha

29 Sep 2022

While residing in Nyagrodha Park in Kapilavastu, the Buddha meets an emaciated, long-haired brahmin named Vasiṣṭha. When the Buddha asks Vasiṣṭha why he looks this way, Vasiṣṭha explains that it is because he is observing a month-long fast. The Buddha then asks him if he maintains the eightfold observance of the noble ones, prompting an exchange between the two about what the eightfold observance entails and how much merit is to be gained by maintaining it.
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29 Sep 2022

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15 Sep 2022

此經中, 一時,佛在竹林精舍與眷屬眾俱。目犍連尊者於托缽途中見到一些奇特的眾生,前來問佛。佛告目犍連,此諸眾生乃是餓鬼,過去為人時犯下與食物相關之惡行,以致今生墮於餓鬼道中。世尊詳述了與食物相關之惡行,反映出當時對於出家眾的飲食禁戒,例如違反「日中一食」、飲食不當、擅取餘食,以及其它濫用食物供養等行為。在家眾亦有與食物相關之戒律,主要是關於為僧團準備食物時的衛生要求。

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Pure Sustenance of Food

15 Sep 2022

While the Buddha is staying at the Bamboo Grove with a diverse retinue, the monk Maudgalyāyana asks him about some unusual beings he saw during an alms round. The Buddha informs Maudgalyāyana that these beings are starving spirits. The Buddha gives a discourse explaining how these starving spirits were once humans yet committed misdeeds related to food that led them to their current dismal state.
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The Quintessence of the Sun

1 Sep 2022

The Quintessence of the Sun is a long and heterogeneous sūtra in eleven chapters. At the Veṇuvana in the Kalandakanivāpa on the outskirts of Rājagṛha, the Buddha Śākyamuni first explains to a great assembly the severe consequences of stealing what has been offered to monks and the importance of protecting those who abide by the Dharma. The next section tells of bodhisattvas sent from buddha realms in the four directions to bring various dhāraṇīs as a way of protecting and benefitting this world.
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1 Sep 2022


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