April 2023


28 Apr 2023

谷歌的埃里克施密特( Eric Sc​​hmidt )在2006年的一次會議上首次提出「雲端」這個隱喻,迄今為止已近20年,大多數人已習慣於將「雲」理解為網絡空間的巨型數據存儲——人們可以從任何地方提取數據,就像任何地方都能看到天空中的雲一樣。然而在佛教傳統上引用「雲」做類似的比喻,至少已經有兩千多年了。
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Sūtras in the Clouds: Making it Rain with Dharma

28 Apr 2023

“It’s in the cloud.” Though it has been less than twenty years since that metaphorical expression was first coined (by Eric Schmidt of Google at a conference in 2006), many of us are now as accustomed to understanding “the cloud” to mean a huge store of digital data, somewhere up there in cyberspace that we can access from anywhere, as we are to the real clouds up there in the sky. But Buddhist tradition has been using clouds in a similar metaphor for at least two thousand years.
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The Great Cloud (1) and The Great Cloud (2)

28 Apr 2023

Two new publications include, The Great Cloud—an important Mahāyāna sūtra, known particularly as one source of the idea that a tathāgata is permanent and does not really pass into parinirvāṇa, but strategically displays an illusory body; and The Great Cloud (2), a brief discourse identified more precisely in its colophon as a supplementary chapter from The Great Cloud on “the array of winds that bring down rainfall.”
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