March 2024

84000新英譯佛典 : 《善說之三:善逝語雪域藏譯全集印刻成就緣起》

29 Mar 2024

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The Accomplishment of the Sets of Four Qualities: The Bodhisattvas’ Prātimokṣa

22 Mar 2024

In The Accomplishment of the Sets of Four Qualities: The Bodhisattvas’ Prātimokṣa, Venerable Śāriputra requests the Buddha Śākyamuni to explain the conduct of bodhisattvas. The Buddha responds by describing how bodhisattvas train in many practices and in the cultivation of many qualities, here presented in sets of four, related to generosity and diligence in particular, and more broadly to their attitude, conduct, learning, insight, and teaching. In this way bodhisattvas swiftly progress along the path to buddhahood.
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84000新英譯佛典 :《圓滿四種品質:菩薩的波羅提木叉(別解脫律儀)》

22 Mar 2024

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In Praise of the Goddess Revatī

15 Mar 2024

In Praise of the Goddess Revatī includes a short praise to the goddess Revatī along with a dhāraṇī extracted from The Great Tantra of Supreme Knowledge (Toh 746). The praise itself is just a few lines long and addresses Revatī’s characteristics‍—her body is said to be made of gems and precious substances‍—and her familial lineage.
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The Shorter Devatā Sūtra

1 Mar 2024

While staying in Śrāvastī, the Buddha is approached by an unnamed “divine being,” who inquires as to what behavior merits rebirth in the higher realms. In response, the Buddha explains, in a series of concise and powerful verses, that abandoning each of the ten nonvirtues‍—killing, taking what is not given, sexual misconduct, telling lies, slander, harsh words, idle talk, covetousness, ill will, and wrong views‍—and embracing their opposites, the ten virtues, will lead to rebirth in the higher realms.
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