June 2021

New Publication: Not Forsaking the Buddha

24 Jun 2021

This discourse takes place while the Buddha Śākyamuni is with a large community of monks, along with numerous bodhisattvas. Ten of the bodhisattvas present in the retinue have become discouraged despite exerting themselves for seven years. The bodhisattva Undaunted therefore requests the Buddha to bestow upon them an instruction that will enable them to generate wisdom.
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The Aparimitāyurjñāna Sūtra, The Essence of Aparimitāyus

19 Jun 2021

The Buddha, while at the Jetavana monastery in Śrāvastī, tells Mañjuśrī of a buddha realm far above the world, in which lives the Buddha Aparimitāyur­jñāna. He states that those who recite, write, hear, and so on, the praise of this buddha, or make offerings to this text, will have numerous benefits, including a long life and a good rebirth.
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The Chapter on Medicines

10 Jun 2021

The Bhaiṣajyavastu, “The Chapter on Medicines,” is the sixth chapter of the Vinayavastu, “The Chapters on Monastic Discipline,” of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya. The Mūlasarvāstivāda was one of the most influential Buddhist schools in India, and its Vinaya, the corpus of monastic law, is reported to have circulated not only in various parts of the Indian subcontinent but also in Southeast Asia, at least in the late seventh century.
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June 19, 2021 | 84000 In Conversation: Immeasurable Life

9 Jun 2021

The first episode of our new 84000 In Conversation series is ‘Immeasurable Life,’ and will focus on an exploration of two recently translated texts from the Tibetan Buddhist Canon that have traditionally been recited for longevity. This new weekend series, hosted by 84000 associate editor, Joie Chen, will see special guests dropping in to share stories, histories, initiatives, and inspiration, to help us map the sūtras for modern life.
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