June 2023

Teachings on Sūtra | Chagdud Khadro

27 Jun 2023

This coming Chökor Düchen, a day that marks the first turning of the wheel of Dharma, we invite you to join us live with Chagdud Khadro who will speak on the importance to all of us of there having been a Buddha’s teaching in this world, and on the importance of continuing to request the teachings. 
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4 Jun 2023


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佛典訪談錄 | 如海的智慧

1 Jun 2023

在這個憶念佛陀的誕生、證悟和涅槃的薩噶達瓦節,我們邀請了84000的高級編輯約翰‧康提博士(Dr. John Canti )參與線上訪談,探討《般若波羅蜜多二萬五千頌》——一部我們窮盡一生也無法參透的、廣大深奧的《般若部》經典。
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84000 In Conversation | Wisdom in Waves

1 Jun 2023

This Saga Dawa Düchen—in celebration of the Buddha’s birth, awakening, and parinirvāṇa—we are delighted to present a special event with 84000 Senior Editor John Canti. 
This Sunday, we will be publishing our translation of this auspicious text, and John will offer a few approaches to reading it in translation and navigating its vastness that may help open it up and bring it alive to anyone.
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