February 2024

84000新英譯佛典 : 《菩薩教法集》(大正藏:大寶積經菩薩藏會第十二)

23 Feb 2024


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The Collected Teachings on the Bodhisatva

23 Feb 2024

In The Collected Teachings on the Bodhisatva, the Buddha describes in detail the views and practices that are to be followed by the bodhisatva, the ideal Mahāyāna practitioner. Through his interactions with human and nonhuman interlocutors, and through stories of various past buddhas, we are led step by step through the topics of renunciation, the mind of awakening, the four immeasurables, and the six perfections.
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佛經導讀 | 第四十二任薩迦法王大寶金剛仁波切談「無量壽 無量智」

20 Feb 2024


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84000新英譯佛典 : 《如來之秘密》(大正藏:《大寶積經密跡金剛力士會第三》)

16 Feb 2024

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The Secrets of the Realized Ones

16 Feb 2024

In this sūtra, the narrative largely revolves around the figures of Vajrapāṇi, the yakṣa lord and constant companion of the Buddha, and the Buddha himself. In the first half of the sūtra, Vajrapāṇi gives a series of teachings on the mysteries or secrets of the body, speech, and mind of bodhisattvas and the realized ones. In the second half of the sūtra, Vajrapāṇi describes several events in the Buddha’s life: his practice of severe asceticism, his approach to the seat of awakening, his defeat of Māra, his awakening, and his turning of the wheel of Dharma.
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The Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand Lines

8 Feb 2024

The Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand Lines is the longest of all the Prajñāpāramitā sūtras and fills no fewer than twelve volumes of the Degé Kangyur. Like the other two long sūtras, it is a detailed record of the teaching on the perfection of wisdom that the Buddha Śākyamuni gave on Vulture Peak in Rājagṛha, setting out all aspects of the path to enlightenment that bodhisattvas must know and put into practice, yet without taking them as having even the slightest true existence.
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84000新英譯佛典 : 《般若波羅蜜多十萬頌》 (大正藏:《大般若波羅蜜多經初會》)

8 Feb 2024

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The Sūtra of the Sublime Golden Light

2 Feb 2024

The Sūtra of the Sublime Golden Lighthas held great importance in Buddhism for its instructions on the purification of karma. In particular, much of the sūtra is specifically addressed to monarchs and thus has been significant for rulers‍—not only in India but also in China, Japan, Mongolia, and elsewhere‍—who wished to ensure the well-being of their nations through such purification.

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84000新英譯佛典 : 《金光明經》 (大正藏:《金光明最勝王經》)

2 Feb 2024


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