The Bali Ritual to Relieve the Female Preta Flaming Mouth

84000 is pleased to announce its newest publication:

Toh 647

The Bali Ritual to Relieve the Female Preta Flaming Mouth

This short text narrates Ānanda’s nocturnal encounter in the Banyan Grove in Kapilavastu with a gruesome female preta, or “hungry ghost,” with a burning mouth. The ghost tells Ānanda that he will die imminently and be reborn in the realm of the pretas unless he satisfies innumerable pretas with offerings of food the following morning. Terrified, Ānanda goes quickly to the Buddha and asks for advice. The Buddha then teaches Ānanda a dhāraṇī and an associated food offering ritual that together will satisfy innumerable ghosts and will cause offerings to the Three Jewels to multiply. The Buddha then instructs Ānanda to memorize and widely propagate this practice.

Access this and other sūtras in the 84000 Reading Room:
The Bali Ritual to Relieve the Female Preta Flaming Mouth



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