
84000 is pleased to announce its newest publication:

Toh 3990

An Explanation of The Noble Sūtra on the Four Factors

這是由世親所著《聖四法大乘經》(Toh 251)的簡短釋論。《聖四法大乘經》宣說菩薩道不可棄捨之四法:一不捨菩提心,二不捨善知識,三不捨安忍調柔,四不捨阿蘭若。釋論中提出宣說此經的種種目的,解釋為何經中將菩薩稱為大乘行者,說明四法所對治的修行障礙、所支持的有利因素,以及聲聞、辟支佛為何不被稱作菩薩。

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An Explanation of The Noble Sūtra on the Four Factors

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This is a free publication from 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha, a non-profit organization sharing the gift of wisdom with the world.

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