September 2024

Hiring: Communications Lead (based in Asia)

2 Sep 2024

84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha invites applications for the full-time position of Communications Lead.

In this position you will be managing both people, external communications, and our brand.

Reporting to the Acting Communications Director, you will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Communications team, its operations, and for communications initiatives and marketing content across all communications platforms.
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A New Community for Monthly Donors

2 Sep 2024

84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha is creating a new community—our Give Each Month (GEM) Mandala—to celebrate recurring donors and recognize the importance of this giving stream in supporting our mission: to translate the entire Tibetan Buddhist canon for the open and curious, and to make it freely accessible for all, now and into the future.
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「瓔珞共緣 」邀您同行

2 Sep 2024

2024年9月3日-【八萬四千・佛典傳譯】今天宣布以「瓔珞共緣 」為名, 重新推介每月定額捐款這個護持項目。來自十方大眾的每月護持,一直都是我們開展百年佛典傳譯計畫的長期資糧,讓我們得以履行將藏文《大藏經》完整地翻譯成現代語言的使命,並於線上無償開放流通,普惠眾生覺醒人心。
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