
Scholar and Long-Time Practitioner Reflects on the Impact of 84000

13 Jun 2024

Atisha Mathur was volunteering as a cook, brewing coffee in the kitchen at the Deer Park Institute, when Khyentse Foundation held a conference there in March 2009 that gave birth to 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha. Since then, he has completed 10 years of an intensive 16-year-long program in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy at the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics (IBD), in Dharamsala, India, and is on track to complete a PhD in Buddhist Studies at L’Orientale, in Italy, with an emphasis on Madhyamaka.
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Designing for Wisdom | Behind our 2021 Edition of The Hundred Deeds

28 Dec 2021

This past Saga Dawa, we enlisted the pro-bono help of Li Yijing (李一静) to design the layout of a special edition publication of one of our favorite sūtras, The Hundred Deeds. Here, Yijing shares her experience of coming into the Dharma, getting creative with the sūtras, and the challenges of spearheading a truly global project in the middle of a pandemic. Please join us in thanking Yijing and her team for their beautiful offering.
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The Developer of the 84000 Mobile App on his Offering of Wisdom to the World

30 Nov 2021

Two years ago, Sun Fang (Brian Sun), approached us with an offer to develop an 84000 app from scratch and we were incredibly humbled by the magnanimity of Brian’s offer. We are deeply grateful for Brian and his team at XMind for their unwavering commitment in bringing this app to life, and recently sat down with him to learn more about the motivation and the process.
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Film Director Queena Li Speaks with 84000

11 Aug 2021

Film director Queena Li–creator of our tenth anniversary #SaveWisdomNow video–has just seen her debut feature premiere to widespread acclaim. Here, Queena shares with 84000 how her interest in exploring the mind has inspired her creativity, the role film can play in reminding audiences of the relevance of Buddhist wisdom today, and what offerings she finds most beautiful.

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Dr. Fumi Yao on Translating the Vinaya

11 Aug 2021

We sat down recently with Dr. Fumi Yao, the translator of “The Chapter on Medicines,” to learn more about how she came to specialize in the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya, what she has learned about the differences and similarities across various traditions’ Vinaya literature, and how broad the notion of “medicine” may have been in ancient India.
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Ivy Ang on her “heart project”

30 Mar 2021

As we mark the anniversary of the Bir Conference 2009 that gave birth to our growing initiative, we sit down with Ivy Ang, who—appointed by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche to facilitate those historic six days—has since been there with us every step of the way.
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The People Driving Progress: Our Editorial Team

18 Nov 2020

Imagine if your to-do list had 4,500 items on it. Ours does. The people who direct and manage the process of reviewing the translations, editing, proofreading, and marking them up, are the members of our growing Editorial Team. As far as we are concerned, they are the heart of 84000.
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Bittersweet: Cangioli Che Announces her Departure from 84000

18 Nov 2020

It feels somewhat bittersweet to share the news that after eleven years helping to incubate, develop, and advise 84000, Cangioli Che is stepping down from the Executive Committee. Since 2009, Cangioli has been instrumental in building the foundations to allow 84000 to become what we are today.
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