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Apr 30, 2024

The Merits of Monthly Giving with Film Producer Nanette Nelms

Film producer Nanette Nelms became a student of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in 2004, nearly a decade before he summoned her to produce Vara: A Blessing in 2013.
Aug 10, 2021

Dr. Fumi Yao on Translating the Vinaya

We sat down recently with Dr. Fumi Yao, the translator of “The Chapter on Medicines,” to learn more about how she came to specialize in the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya, what she has learned about the differences and similarities across various traditions’ Vinaya literature, and how broad the notion of “medicine” may have been in ancient India.
Aug 10, 2021

Film Director Queena Li Speaks with 84000

Film director Queena Li--creator of our tenth anniversary #SaveWisdomNow video--has just seen her debut feature premiere to widespread acclaim. Here, Queena shares with 84000 how her interest in exploring the mind has inspired her creativity, the role film can play in reminding audiences of the relevance of Buddhist wisdom today, and what offerings she finds most beautiful.
May 3, 2021

Bhutan Mobilizes Thousands to Make 84000 Donation History

We are incredible humbled to share that last week, on the auspicious occasion of Chötrul Düchen, 84000 received its largest ever recurring donation to be offered on an annual basis.
Mar 29, 2021
Our Team

Ivy Ang on her “heart project”

As we mark the anniversary of the Bir Conference 2009 that gave birth to our growing initiative, we sit down with Ivy Ang, who—appointed by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche to facilitate those historic six days—has since been there with us every step of the way.
Mar 29, 2021

Readers from the Himalayas Share their Favorite 84000 Features

Building on our aspiration to revitalize interest in the foundations of the Buddhadharma, we took to the road (virtually, of course) to ask some of our friends from across the Himalayas which their favorite 84000 Reading Room features are, and why.
Nov 17, 2020
Our Team

Bittersweet: Cangioli Che Announces her Departure from 84000

It feels somewhat bittersweet to share the news that after eleven years helping to incubate, develop, and advise 84000, Cangioli Che is stepping down from the Executive Committee. Since 2009, Cangioli has been instrumental in building the foundations to allow 84000 to become what we are today.
Aug 16, 2020

The Suffering of Change in Today’s World

Last month, Deborah Dorjee—an instructor at Siddhartha’s Intent—kindly hosted a session during our twenty-four hour virtual sūtra recitation. In these uncertain times, we decided to sit down and talk with her more about the potential for Buddhism to help build mental and emotional resilience.
Jun 5, 2020

Humbled by an Offering

This morning, our Founding Chair, received a letter from a 94-year old Bhutanese that touches us deeply. On this Saga Dawa Düchen, we send our heartfelt thanks to Aum Tshering Zam for her generosity, and for inspiring us to continue connecting the world with wisdom for the benefit of all sentient beings.
May 23, 2020

Stories from You: Hasta Colman

The best gift we could receive on our birthday are stories of how our work has helped you! We're touched by Hasta Colman's inspiring reflection on how her own language-learning journey has mirrored 84000's development over the past decade.
Apr 20, 2020

Gyurme Dorje 1950 - 2020

It is with great sadness that we share news of the passing away of one of our most expert and productive translators, Dr. Gyurme Dorje. John Canti, our Editorial Co-Director, pays tribute to Gyurme's life, personal qualities, and achievements as a prolific and dedicated translator.
Apr 19, 2020

Language, Philology, and the Motif of the Courtesan

Professor Jens Braarvig talks to us about his translation of ‘The Miraculous Play of Mañjuśri' - a Mahāyāna sūtra that unfolds within a story about a courtesan and a wealthy, banker’s son - as well as the importance of language and philology in Buddhist studies.

