







「 這真是最簡單的決定。我很榮幸能夠為仁波切的佛行事業略盡綿力。 對我而言,這不僅護持了仁波切的佛行事業,而且還能與佛陀的言教結緣,這是極為殊勝的。」

Humbled by an Offering

This morning, our Founding Chair, received a letter from a 94-year old Bhutanese that touches us deeply. On this Saga Dawa Düchen, we send our heartfelt thanks to Aum Tshering Zam for her generosity, and for inspiring us to continue connecting the world with wisdom for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Meet A Donor: A Euro A Day

84000 is proud to have 3,118 donors as of September 2015. Below is a story that exemplifies how a seemingly small donation can add up very quickly. Audouin, our featured donor, has been able to donate enough funds for the translation of almost two pages by donating a euro a day from the tips he has earned as a tour guide.

Thank You Sponsors

A big THANK YOU to our founding sponsors and sūtra sponsors for your generous support.

Message from a Malaysian Donor

A Malaysian donor sends a unique New Year message to her family and friends.