Digital Processing Agreement

Updated on
September 7, 2024


A digital processing agreement (DPA) is a written contract between two parties that sets out the responsibilities, obligations and rights of both parties concerning the protection of personal data. Personal data is any information which is related to an identified or identifiable natural person. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires a “controller” to enter into a DPA with a “processor” that processes personal data on behalf of the controller. A “controller” is a person or entity that determines the purpose and the means of processing personal data. A “processor” is a person or entity that processes personal data on behalf of a “controller.” This means that the processor processes personal data according to the controller’s instructions.

84000 as a data controller

A data controller is a person or entity that decides how and why personal data is processed under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This includes determining the purpose of the processing and the means by which it will be done. 84000 is a data controller.

Data processors used by 84000

The following data processors are used by 84000. Each relevant digital processing agreement and privacy statement is included.


We use Keela to process and store donor information. Their Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) summarizes the various ways that Networks for Change Inc. (“NFC”, “we”, “Keela” or “our”) treats the Information (as defined below) 84000 provides while using (or,,,,, or any other affiliated Keela website (collectively, the “Website”). Keela's privacy policy.


Keela uses Stripe to process donations. 84000's Stripe account is located in North America. Our DPA is with Stripe, Inc. (“SINC”) and is available here.


84000 uses MailChimp to store user information. Here is a copy of MailChimp's DPA with 84000.


There are forms on the 84000 website that store user submissions. 84000's DPA with Webflow.


84000 is using Posthog to gather analytics to measure website traffic. Posthog's privacy policy and 84000's DPA are available here (US DPA and EU DPA).