



歷經十數年夙夜匪懈的努力之後,【八萬四千・佛典傳譯】終於在2023年出版了《如來之秘密》的英文譯本。84000的全職翻譯亦是「如來之秘密」的譯者大衛・菲奧達利斯博士(Dr. David Fiordalis) 表示:「《如來之秘密》是一部博大精深的大乘佛教文獻。」《如來之秘密》不僅行文妙雅、敘述風格引人入勝,更為重要的是經典中金剛手菩薩以如來身、語、意為框架,對佛性的義理進行了一系列詳細的闡述。為此,我們採訪了大衛,請他分享翻譯這部佛典《如來之秘密》的故事,並就如何閱讀這部佛典與理解當中含義為讀者們提出建議。以下為訪談文字稿:


凱薩琳身兼多職——c除了擔任84000的翻譯外,還是自生智佛學院 (下文簡稱RYI) 的助理研究教授,以及秋吉尼瑪仁波切巡迴各地的隨行翻譯。

八尾 史博士談翻譯律典

我們采訪了這部重要典籍的譯者八尾 史博士,了解到她是如何開始專注於對《根本說一切有部毘奈耶》的研究,她在不同傳統的律典之間發現了那些異同,以及「藥」的概念在古印度文化當中的不同含義。

Gyurme Dorje 1950 - 2020

It is with great sadness that we share news of the passing away of one of our most expert and productive translators, Dr. Gyurme Dorje. John Canti, our Editorial Co-Director, pays tribute to Gyurme's life, personal qualities, and achievements as a prolific and dedicated translator.

Language, Philology, and the Motif of the Courtesan

Professor Jens Braarvig talks to us about his translation of ‘The Miraculous Play of Mañjuśri' - a Mahāyāna sūtra that unfolds within a story about a courtesan and a wealthy, banker’s son - as well as the importance of language and philology in Buddhist studies.

Advice from the Tradition

Watch a video and read the detailed exchanges between senior scholars of the tradition and 84000's editors and translators.

Tribute to Our Translators

In a recent message to translators, Rinpoche paid tribute to our translators and emphasized on the importance of motivation.

Up Close With A Translator: Julia Stenzel

Video interview of Julia Stenzel from Sakya Pandita Translation Group, on the "Ākāśagarbha Sūtra" and its translation process.

Featured Translation: "The Play in Full"

Catherine Dalton shares about her experience working on an extensive account of the life and deeds of the Buddha, known as "The Play in Full."

Featured Translation: “Purification of Karmic Obscurations”

Learn about how the Buddha deals with the violation of moral ethics in this featured translation.

A Brief History of Buddhist Canons

Have questions about Buddhist canons and the history of their development? Learn more from John Canti and Peter Skilling.

Up Close With A Translator: Ina Bieler

Interview with Ina Bieler of Garchen Buddhist Institute, who has been working on a Kangyur text known as <The Sūtra on Purifying Karmic Obscurations>.