84000 Stories

Stories on Donors

Welcome to the 84000 blog archive gathering stories on Donors.

The Merits of Monthly Giving with Film Producer Nanette Nelms

Film producer Nanette Nelms became a student of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in 2004, nearly a decade before he summoned her to produce Vara: A Blessing in 2013.

Humbled by an Offering

84000 Founding Chair Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche received a letter from a 94-year old Bhutanese that touches us deeply.

Meet A Donor | A Euro A Day

84000 is proud to have 3,118 donors as of September 2015. Click the link below to read more about one donor's story.

Thank You Sponsors

A big THANK YOU to our founding sponsors and sūtra sponsors for your generous support.

The Power of More

Every year during Chinese New Year, Lay Ching has been organizing a group of Malaysian Buddhists – consisting of friends, family and sangha members – to contribute funds to 84000.

The Merits of Monthly Giving | Donna Mitchell-Moniak

A consistent monthly donor to 84000 for over eight years, Donna Mitchell-Moniak has been a practitioner (first of the Native tradition and Patanjali’s sūtras, then Buddhism) most of her adult life. When she discovered 84000 as one of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche’s initiatives, she immediately recognized the value of connecting with the Buddha’s core wisdom teachings and helping to keep them alive.