Event: 84000 in Conversation

84000 In Conversation: Studying Buddhism in the New Millennium

Posted on
August 28, 2021

84000 In Conversation is an ongoing weekend series with special guests dropping in to share stories, histories, initiatives, and inspiration, to help us map the sūtras for modern life. This series is hosted by 84000 associate editor, Joie Chen.

Our second episode is ‘Studying Buddhism in the New Millennium,’ in which Joie Chen, in conversation with Dr. Kate Hartmann (Assistant Professor of Buddhist Studies at the University of Wyoming, and Director of Buddhist Studies Online) will explore the rewards and challenges of studying and teaching Buddhism in our world today. We will look at what it means to study Buddhism "academically," how learning about Buddhism enhances an education in the humanities, and what it is like to teach Buddhism to the younger generation. Dr. Hartmann will also share with us various resources, online and offline, that are available to those interested in pursuing the academic study of Buddhism.The recording of this event is now available:[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9QbX76C-Jk[/embed]


Kate Hartmann |Assistant Professor of Buddhist Studies @ University of Wyoming Kate (Ph.D., Harvard University) is Assistant Professor of Buddhist Studies at the University of Wyoming and Director of Buddhist Studies Online. Her engagement with Religious Studies arises out of a longstanding interest in religion as a force that shapes the way we perceive the world, and in the practices religions develop to transform that perception. Her current research focuses on the history of Tibetan pilgrimage to holy mountains and the goal of cultivating pure perception of the sacred landscape.

Joie Chen |PhD Candidate, Buddhist Studies, Harvard UniversityJoieis a PhD candidate in Buddhist Studies at Harvard University, where her research looks at the confluence of various modes of learnedness in Tibetan Buddhism, in particular how the language and visual arts play into the formation of a learned Buddhist person. She holds a BA in Film Studies and English from Yale University and an MPhil in Tibetan & Himalayan Studies from the University of Oxford.

About this series

This In Conversation series is open to all and we inviteyou to attend and spread the word amongst your communities and networks. Each episode's details and its registration link will be announced on ourweb page,news page, by email, and onsocial media.Clickhereto sign up to receive information from 84000 about upcoming In Conversation events andbe the first the know when new publications are available in our Reading Room.

If you missed our first episode, Immeasurable Life, with Khenpo Choying Dorjee and Dr. John Canti, you can watch it here.