
Teachings on Sūtra | Ven. Konchog Norbu

Posted on
July 5, 2021

The Chapter on Medicine

On the auspicious day of Chökor Düchen, Ven. Konchog Norbu guides us through 84000's translation of The Chapter on Medicine. 

The vast literature of the seventeen chapters of the Vinaya (Discipline) section of the Kangyur reveals much more than just the recounting of the events that led to the Buddha's guidelines for his monastic community. Ven. Konchog will offer a distillation of the stories and teachings it contains with special emphasis on the unique and miraculous qualities of Śākyamuni Buddha; examples of the rare power of being in the presence of such a being and his teachings; and fascinating details about both medieval Indian spiritual and secular culture.[embed][/embed]SpeakersVen. Konchog Norbu |Copyeditor, 84000: Translating the Words of the BuddhaVen. Konchog Norbu is a graduate of Brown University, where he primarily studied 19th and 20th century American literature and creative writing. Discovering the Dharma soon thereafter, he took the novice (getsul) precepts of a Buddhist monk during Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok’s North American tour in 1993, and received his full (gelong) ordination from Drubwang Penor Rinpoche in 1995. He has served several Dharma communities in the capacity of communications and media relations. Prior to joining 84000 as an English copyeditor, Ven. Konchog most recently worked for Lion’s Roar, creating online content; performed extensive editorial work for the translated teachings of both Khenchen Tsultrim Lodro and Khenpo Sodargye; and taught English to the monks and nuns of the English Translator Training Program at the Ngagyur Nyingma Institute at Namdroling Monastery in Bylakuppe, South India, where he also served as advisor for the various publication projects of the Rigzod Editorial Committee. Ven. Konchog now lives in Crestone, CO, where he is on the board of the Pema Chōling monastic community.

Related Reading

The Chapter on Medicines (Toh1-6)

84000’s interview with the translator, Dr. Fumi Yao on Translating the Vinaya.The Teachings on Sūtra webinar series draws from our translated collection of the Tibetan Buddhist canon and explores key themes from the sutras. Each event brings in teachers of the Buddhadharma to speak about the theme with reference to specific texts in the Kangyur, and takes place on what are considered to be the four most auspicious days of the Buddhist calendar: Celebration of the Buddha’s Miracles (Chötrul Düchen), Celebration of the Buddha’s Birth, Awakening, and Parinirvana (Saga Dawa), Celebration of the Buddha’s Teachings (Chökor Düchen), and Celebration of the Buddha’s Return from the Realms of the Gods (Lhabab Düchen).