Lowell Cook

Journey and Milestones

Background Information


Lowell Cook

Associate Translator

Lowell Cook completed his MA in Translation Textual Interpretation and Philology at the Rangjung Yeshe Institute in 2017.

Lowell Cook completed his MA in Translation Textual Interpretation and Philology at the Rangjung Yeshe Institute in 2017. He is the author of Tibetan Pure Land Buddhism: Mipham Rinpoche on Self-Power and Other-Power the translator of Sangngak Tenzin Rinpoche’s A White Conch Spiraling Toward Happiness: Poems of a Tibetan Master and the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts grant to translate A Frostbitten Flower and Other Stories: The Complete Fiction of Dondrup Jyel. Lowell has translated independently for 84000 since 2016 before formally joining as an associate translator in 2023. He has also contributed translations to Samye Translations Lotsawa House the Journal of Tibetan Literature and others. Lowell is inspired by the scholar-practitioners of the past and a translation practice that is informed by the living Buddhist tradition.