“Homage to the Three Jewels.
oṃ smara smara| vismanaskara mahājava hūṃ|
“Say this as a gem is polished. Imagine that by doing this a boundless rain of jeweled parasols, banners, and the like fills the whole of the sky, and offer this.”
~Toh 774: The Dhāraṇī of the Polished Gem
Fremont, Calif., USA (September 2, 2024)—84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha is creating a new community—our Give Each Month (GEM) Mandala—to celebrate recurring donors and recognize the importance of this giving stream in supporting our mission: to translate the entire Tibetan Buddhist canon for the open and curious, and to make it freely accessible for all, now and into the future.
“Just as all drops together create the ocean, every recurring donation creates our GEM Mandala and contributes to translating the Buddha’s words to awaken humanity,” said Huang Jing Rui, 84000 executive director. “Our GEM program is also the most impactful way to give to 84000. Our generous Anāthapiṇḍada Matching Fund donors will match every GEM contribution, dollar for dollar, so your gift is doubled at no extra cost to you.”
84000 welcomes one-time contributions as well as monthly recurring donations; however, recurring donations are an important regular revenue stream for the organization. In 2023, recurring donations provided 14 percent of 84000’s annual revenue. And it is through our Give Each Month program that our GEM Mandala manifests.
The GEM Mandala is comprised of thousands of generous, passionate, and committed people from more than 46 countries around the world. “Our mandala of GEMs has already helped us to translate and make available in English more than 34,000 pages of the collection, many for the first time in history,” Jing Rui said.

Benefits of joining our GEM Mandala include:
- GEM is the most impactful way to offer support for 84000’s mission by triggering the Anāthapiṇḍada Matching Funds program, so every contribution is doubled.
- GEM is an effortless opportunity to cultivate ongoing merit by supporting the translation of the Buddha’s words on a monthly basis.
- The names of all our GEM donors are included in the list for prayers at the biennial Dzongsar Monlam in Bodhgaya, India.
- GEM Mandala members will receive emails with specially curated content.
- GEM Mandala members have an option to share the merit by dedicating your initial monthly gift in someone’s name.
- GEM is a US tax-deductible donation.
To learn more and join our GEM Mandala, visit 84000.co/GEM.
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