Give Each Month

Many of the authentic teachings translated and published by 84000 are now accessible and free for people around the globe to explore, many for the first time ever.

Offering a monthly gift of any amount allows us to ensure that everyone can continue to connect with the Buddha’s wisdom. And thanks to our Anāthapiṇḍada Matching Funds donors, each and every monthly gift is doubled, at no additional cost to you!

Give Each Month (GEM) is the most impactful way to support our mission.

image of a Tibetan text in pecha format

Help Connect the World with Wisdom

When you make a donation, you create an opportunity to generate merit for yourself and others.

When you choose to Give Each Month (GEM) your merit is doubled since all monthly gifts, no matter the size, trigger a dollar-for-dollar match thanks to our Anāthapiṇḍada Matching Funds donors. Just as all drops create the ocean, every recurring donation contributes to making the words of the Buddha accessible for all.

Dedicate the Merit

Whenever you give, whether monthly or through a single donation, you can now dedicate the merit in honor of someone special and send them a personalized e-card. Just select the option on the donation form to dedicate your gift. For monthly gifts, the option is only available in the first instance.

Join Our GEM Mandala

When you offer a monthly gift, you join our Give Each Month (GEM) Mandala, which is composed of thousands of passionate and committed people—like you—from around the world. Our GEM Mandala is the heart of all we are.

Explore more ways to give

Sponsor a Sūtra

An opportunity to support the translation of an entire text of your choice from start to finish, literally bringing the Buddha’s words to life.

Create Your Legacy

Give through your will, trusts, or designate 84000 as a beneficiary of your assets to safeguard this invaluable heritage for the benefit of all future generations.

Anāthapiṇḍada Matching Funds

An opportunity for dedicated sponsors to multiply the impact of their own giving by matching the monthly gifts of thousands of donors.

Wire Transfer and Check by Mail

Please send checks to:
84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha, 43456 Ellsworth St. #3332, Fremont, CA 94539-9991, USA.

For wire transfer details, please contact us.