Translation Progress
and Impact
Meaningful change is often incremental. We work on the research and translation of texts for years and spend hundreds of hours developing the technology to transform individual texts into a dynamic and interactive collection. Below are highlights of the recent progress we have made together with our partners in academia and across the living tradition.

The Kangyur
Goal: 100% by 2035
We aim to complete the translation and publication of the Kangyur by 2035. The last time this body of texts was translated, in its entirety, into another language was as a result of an initiative that began in AD 900.
Published: 31,948 pages (48%)
Awaiting Publication: 12,825 pages (19%)
Translation in Progress: 18,508 pages (28%)

The Tengyur
Goal: 100% by 2110
Our focus is to first translate and publish the Kangyur, before we apply our resources to the Tengyur. However, in 2022, we published our first translation from the Tengyur—a detailed explanation of the Long Perfection of Wisdom sūtras.
Published: 602 pages (0.5%)
Awaiting Publication: 1,303, pages (1%)
Translation in Progress: 5,138 pages (4%)
In Words
Our work has been instrumental in developing institutional support for canonical Buddhist scholarship in the West, in reinvigorating access to spiritual heritage in the East, and in inspiring open and curious minds across the world.

Prof. Vesna A. Wallace
University of California, Santa Barbara

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche
Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling

Stewart Mushet
84000 reader, Malaysia

Pallavi Deshmukh
84000 reader, India

Mindrolling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche

Publishing Translations from the Tengyur
In 2022, we announced the publication of our very first translation from the Tengyur—a commentary on the Long Perfection of Wisdom sūtras entitled, The Long Explanation of the Noble Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand, Twenty-Five Thousand, and Eighteen Thousand Lines.