Dr. Ana Cristina O. Lopes

Journey and Milestones

Background Information


Dr. Ana Cristina O. Lopes

Associate Translator

Ana Cristina O. Lopes holds a PhD in cultural anthropology from the University of Sao Paulo. Specialized in the transnationalization of Tibetan Buddhism.

Ana Cristina O. Lopes holds a PhD in cultural anthropology from the University of Sao Paulo. Specialized in the transnationalization of Tibetan Buddhism, she has conducted extensive fieldwork research throughout Asia, Europe, and the Americas. As part of her research, she has studied Classical Tibetan since 1996, first during her MA in Religious Studies with Professor Robert Thurman, and later during postdocs at Columbia University and Harvard University. She also completed the Translation Training Program at Rangjung Yeshe Institute in Kathmandu, Nepal, and has been studying under the tutelage of Professor James Gentry (Stanford University) since 2007.

Ana Cristina has held teaching positions at the University of Virginia and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Recently, she has also taught at Stanford University and at Rangjung Yeshe Gomde Germany-Austria. Currently, she is a visiting scholar at Stanford University’s Center for South Asia.

Ana Cristina is the author of Tibetan Buddhism in Diaspora: Cultural re-signification in practice and institutions (Routledge, 2015). Since 2016, she has contributed to 84000 as a translator with Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche’s Dharmachakra Translation Committee. She has also worked in collaboration with Siddhartha’s Intent Brazil to translate Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche’s books and other works into Portuguese.