
Meet A Donor | A Euro A Day

Posted on
August 10, 2015

84000 is proud to have 3,118 donors as of September 2015. Below is a story that exemplifies how a seemingly small donation can add up very quickly. Audouin, our featured donor, has been able to donate enough funds for the translation of almost two pages by donating a euro a day from the tips he has earned as a tour guide.

A Euro a Day

By Audouin S.

I live in Dordogne, France. Six months of the year, during spring and summer, I work as a tourist guide on a long cliff full of caves, that was used as a city and fortress at the time of the Middle Ages. Prehistorical men also lived there. This is one of the most visited places in this very touristic area. While working, I try to save as much as possible in order to spend three or four of my remaining months studying and practicing in India.

Every day, during my work, I take people on a one-hour discovery tour of the cliff. Feeling very inspired by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche’s vision for the future, I wanted to contribute toward it somehow. Also, I wanted to find a way to make my encounter with all these people beneficial. So, I decided that, every working day, I would put aside one euro from my tips and offer it at the end of the season toward 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha with the wish that all of them (those who gave tips and those who didn’t) may make a fruitful connection with the Buddha’s teachings.My income is not high, but in this way I feel happy to be able to contribute to such a beneficial and visionary project. Last year, I could sponsor one page of translation of the Kangyur with these tips. This year, the amount donated was a little short of one page; nevertheless, I am happy with whatever that could be done.

84000 is grateful to donors such as Audouin, for his dedication and commitment to the cause of translating the words of the Buddha. Every drop in the ocean makes a difference in the efforts of 84000. With the contributions and well wishes of our supporters, we will be able to work towards the goal of translating the 70,000-page Kangyur and 161,800-page Tengyur, one page at a time.

To support 84000’s work, please consider making a one time donation, or a monthly gift, to join our Give Each Month (GEM) Mandala.

Already a donor? Like Audouin, we’d love to hear about your inspiration and your commitment to helping with the translation of the Buddha’s words! To share your story with us, email us at

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