Siyu Tian

Journey and Milestones

Background Information


Siyu Tian

Social Media Specialist

Born and raised in China, Siyu Tian has ten years of corporate experience in marketing, content strategy, and social media management across a diverse range of industries in Europe, Australia, and China.

Born and raised in China Siyu Tian has ten years of corporate experience in marketing, content strategy, and social media management across a diverse range of industries in Europe, Australia, and China. With a deep understanding of the Chinese market and its consumers, since 2018 Siyu has focused on working as a bilingual branding and social media strategist with brands that align with her own values, such as Norlha and LUÜNA naturals.

Siyu holds an MA in Digital Media from Kings College London. Following her first trip to Kham during Saga Dawa 2019—marking the inception of her own spiritual journey—Siyu now spends much of each year volunteering at a monastery in Kham. There she enjoys the simplicity of life on the plateau, living with sangha and community engaging in daily chants, delving into the Buddha's teachings, and practicing karma yoga. In her spare time, Siyu can often be spotted practicing Tibetan or chasing sunsets into the mountains.