Journey and Milestones
Background Information

Martina Cotter
Digital Editor
Martina works as a Digital Editor for publication ensuring quality, consistency and authenticity.
Martina began her career in marketing but began to pivot as her interest in Dharma studies developed. She delved into the study of Buddhist Philosophy and later into classical and colloquial Tibetan first for several years in Pharping and Boudhanath in Nepal, and subsequently in Dharamsala in India. In 2017 Martina graduated with a master’s degree in Buddhist Philosophy from Rangjung Yeshe Institute (Kathmandu, Nepal). Prior to joining 84000 as a TEI markup editor, Martina worked as marketing manager for Rangjung Yeshe Institute. She is also involved in the Khyentse Vision Project’s Translator Training Program. Martina was born and raised in Ireland and currently lives in Buenos Aires Argentina with her husband Gonzalo. In her spare time she likes nothing more than to walk in nature getting in touch with the elements. She feels honored to be a part of 84000’s vision for translating the words of the Buddha and is happy to be part of something which resonates with her own spiritual outlook and values.