Ivy Ang

Journey and Milestones

Background Information


Ivy Ang

Strategic Planning Consultant

Ivy Ang has over thirty years of extensive experience in international business and organizational development.

Ivy Ang has over thirty years of extensive experience in international business and organizational development. Her professional background includes serving as VP of Human Resources roles in the fields of high technology, biotechnology, branding, and finance. She held VP of HR positions for global industry leaders such as Genentech, AIG, Madge Networks, and Landor Associates. She also has extensive experience consulting with for-profit and non-profit organizations. Ivy is the founder of Visionlinc, a consulting agency dedicated to linking vision, people, and strategies. She is a strategic planner and executive coach to CEOs and their teams.

Her areas of expertise include strategic visioning and planning, leadership and management, executive coaching, and team building with emphasis on creating high performing teams and innovative cultures to achieve an organizational mission. At the request of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Ivy facilitated the five-day Translating the Words of the Buddha conference in March 2009 in Bir India. The conference culminated in the birth of the historic 84000 project with the 100-year goal of translating the words of the Buddha into modern languages, making it accessible to all. “Working with Rinpoche’s mandala has been the single most inspirational and fulfilling experience in my life,” Ivy said.

Her work with non-profit organizations includes Khyentse Foundation, 84000, The Gross National Happiness Project in Bhutan, Buddhist Digital Resource Center (BDRC), Gap coaching and other community projects.