Journey and Milestones
Background Information

Dr. Torsten Gerloff
Research Editor
Torsten ensures the accuracy of translations and is passionate about his editorial work at 84000.
Torsten began his academic studies in 2008 at the University of Hamburg, where he studied Sanskrit (major), Tibetan and Thai (minor). After receiving his BA in 2012, he deepened his study of Tantric Buddhism and Sanskrit philology, receiving his MA in 2014 and his PhD in 2017. Torsten then spent three years researching and teaching at the International PhD Program in Buddhist Textual Studies, Mahidol University, Thailand. In 2020, he returned to his alma mater to conduct a research project on Indrabhūti’s Jñānasiddhi.
Although he primarily focuses on the Buddhist Tantric traditions with a special emphasis on the Hevajra and Guhyasamāja systems, Torsten has a general interest in the study of Mahāyāna Buddhism and Abhidharma literature in the cultural extents of India, Tibet, and beyond, considering the close study of the surviving textual witnesses to be of major importance for a more complete and thorough understanding of the Buddhist traditions in the light of their own doctrinal positions and soteriological practices.