Dr. Dylan Esler

Journey and Milestones

Background Information


Dr. Dylan Esler

Associate Translator

Dylan Esler is a scholar and translator of Tibetan Buddhist texts. He holds a PhD from the University of Louvain and an MA in Buddhist Studies from SOAS University of London.

Dylan Esler is a scholar and translator of Tibetan Buddhist texts. He holds a PhD from the University of Louvain and an MA in Buddhist Studies from SOAS University of London. Before joining 84000 he was a researcher at the Center for Religious Studies (CERES) of the Ruhr-University Bochum where he worked on two projects devoted to Nyingma tantric scriptural production and the early Dzogchen tradition respectively. He is affiliated with the Oriental Institute of Louvain (CIOL) where he has held the Satsuma Chair and has also taught at the INALCO in Paris. Dylan’s research interest focuses on early Nyingma expositions of Dzogchen and Tantra. His annotated translation of Nubchen Sangye Yeshe’s Samten Migdrön a seminal 10th-century text on Buddhist contemplation is forthcoming from Oxford University Press and his study of Nubchen’s Dzogchen commentaries entitled Effortless Spontaneity will be published by Brill in 2023.