Dr. Annie Heckman

Journey and Milestones

Background Information


Dr. Annie Heckman

Associate Translator

Born in Chicago, Annie Heckman is an Associate Translator for 84000. Her research focuses on stories about nuns in the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya.

Born in Chicago, Annie Heckman is an Associate Translator for 84000. Her research focuses on stories about nuns in the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya, with an emphasis on fourteenth-century Tibetan editorial and digesting practices. She holds MA and PhD degrees from the University of Toronto’s Department for the Study of Religion and Book History and Print Culture collaborative program, as well as a BFA from the University of Illinois at Chicago and an MFA from New York University in Studio Arts. She studied Tibetan language and literature at the University of Chicago Graham School prior to pursuing graduate work in Buddhist studies.

She has taught at DePaul University, contributed to Bird of Paradise Press in Virginia, and worked as a reviewer of Dunhuang manuscripts at McMaster University, where she was an Ontario Visiting Graduate Student from 2017 to 2019. She was among the first three recipients of the annual Tsadra Foundation Dissertation Fellowship for Tibetan Buddhist Studies, with a thesis on Butön Rinchen Drub’s digest of vinaya narratives involving nuns.