Journey and Milestones
Background Information

Cabie Sim
Development Associate
Cabie supports major donors cultivations & journey, promotional ideas, public facing initiatives.
A natural people-person, Cabie loves to serve the community and is deeply interested in preserving the natural environment. But as a teenager she began to question life and death, and in 2013 while still searching for answers, she read, What Makes You Not a Buddhist, by Khyentse Norbu. Her life was transformed, and she is now especially committed to serving the Dharma, and her guru.
Cabie began as an 84000 volunteer in 2017, becoming a team member the following year helping to represent 84000 at teaching events across Asia which she loves for the ability to help those interested become more familiar with the work and vision of the organization. She officially joined the team in June 2020.
Born and raised in Malaysia, Cabie has called Singapore home for the past twenty-four years, working initially in the beauty and fashion industries; followed by sixteen years as a curator in a fine art gallery that specializes in Modern Chinese art.
Cabie is always trying to work through her never-ending reading list of books, and loves art and traveling. But for now, much of her days are spent serving her dog and dreaming about trekking up mountains—and the summits from which she can read the sūtras aloud.
"Listen very well and bear this in mind as I explain. What is the fundamental exposition of dependent arising? It is thus: if this exists, that arises; by this having been produced, that is produced." - Toh 211, Teaching the Fundamental Exposition and Detailed Analysis of Dependent Arising, 1.3.
When I saw this quote, the thought that immediately arose was how significant it is that another text has been translated and made available for the future generations, and how this effort creates infinite impact by providing the wisdom of the Buddha to anyone and everyone for free! I can't envision a more meaningful role than contributing to 84000 in my own very small way. This mission is ongoing, at least within my life time, ensuring that the most significant truth in this universe, continue to be revealed and cherished.