It feels somewhat bittersweet to share the news that aftereleven years helping to incubate, develop, and advise 84000: Translating theWords of the Buddha, Cangioli Che is stepping down from the 84000 ExecutiveCommittee.
Since 2009, through her strategic stewardship, Cangioli—in her ongoing role as executive director of Khyentse Foundation—has been instrumental in building the foundation to allow 84000 to become what we are today, ensuring that we matured efficiently into an independently registered nonprofit entity in 2013. However, she continued to lend 84000 her active support; and her passion for our mission, coupled with her dedicated service, has made 84000 a significant force for the preservation and revitalization of the words of the Buddha.
With many new, and very worthwhile projects coming soon to fruition, Cangioli feels that it is time for her to focus her energy on the ever-expanding activities of Khyentse Foundation. However, familiar enough with Cangioli’s wisdom and knack for timely decisions, we take comfort in knowing that her departure is also a proclamation of faith in the very strong team that we have now established at 84000.
To say that we are truly grateful for everything Cangioli has done for 84000, and for the Dharma, would be an understatement: 84000 would certainly not be where it is today without her. We have benefited immensely from her wisdom and care especially during our early stages and our evolution, and we rest in the knowledge and confidence that we will always be able to count on her support and advice.

As our Founding Chair, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, writes: I guess the term ‘resignation’ in this case, is a logistical one. I know you will actually never sever, quit, or resign from your devotion and dedication to the Buddhadharma, or from the bodhisattva vow you have taken. So, while we will formally let you go from 84000 with an expression of gratitude and rejoicing, I also want to express that I’m fully aware of how deeply you venerate and value the dharma. So I know that, in the end, you will forever be committed to—and never be separated from—serving 84000, Khyentse Foundation, and so many dharma activities beyond.
Needless to say, those of us at 84000 share this same sentiment. Cangioli – It has always been truly inspiring to witness your devotion and commitment to the Dharma, and the clarity of purpose in your approach to Dharma work. The skill, patience, kindness, and generosity that you have brought to 84000 over the last ten years will be only one of your many legacies here. Please know that you are profoundly appreciated and respected by all of us, and that saying “thank you” does not even come close to expressing how we feel.
Please join us as we wish Cangioli the very best of health, and great success in all of her continued dharmic endeavor!