The Title
A New Moon to Make the Ocean Swell: The Wondrous Account of How Billowing Cloud Banks of Merit Amassed in the Age of Perfection from the Miraculous SourceTexts Which Became an Endless Dharma Gift of All the Treatises That Unravel the Intent Behind the Teachings of the Omniscient Friend of the Sun as Translated in the Language of the Land of Snows
kun mkhyen nyi ma’i gnyen gyi bka’ lung gi dgongs don rnam par ’grel ba’i bstan bcos gangs can pa’i skad du ’gyur ro ’tshal gyi chos sbyin rgyun mi ’chad pa’i ngo mtshar ’phrul gyi phyi mo rdzogs ldan bskal pa’i bsod nams kyi sprin phung rgyas par dkrigs pa’i tshul las nye brtsams pa’i gtam ngo mtshar chu gter ’phel ba’i zla ba gsar pa
The Author
Shuchen Tsultrim Rinchen (1697–1774)
The Text
Folios: 1.a–503.a
Total pages: 1,005
Chapter 1
On the Buddhist Teachings, a Chapter to Inspire Faith
sar+ga dang po: yid ches bskyed pa’i ched du bstan pa gang las byung ba
- Folios: 1.a–52.b
- Total pages: 105
Chapter 2
On the Deeds of the Holders of the Teachings, a Chapter to Inspire Joy
sar+ga gnyis pa: spro ba skyed pa’i ched du bstan skyong rnams kyi bya ba byas pa
- Folios: 53.a–99.b
- Total pages: 94
Chapter 3
A Presentation of the Good Dharma, a Chapter Determining the Subjects ofExegesis
sar+ga gsum pa: bkral bya nges pa’i ched du dam pa’i chos kyi rnam par gzhag pa
- Folios: 100.a–119.a
- Total pages: 39
Chapter 4
A Presentation of All the Treatises, a Chapter Determining How to ConductExegesis
sar+ga bzhi pa: ’grel tshul nges pa’i ched du bstan bcos kun gyi rnam par gzhag pa
- Folios: 119.b–156.b
- Total pages: 38
Chapter 5
How the Commentaries Were Put into Print, a Chapter to Ensure the TeachingsEndure
sar+ga lnga pa: bstan pa gnas pa’i ched du dgongs ’grel par du bsgrub par bskul ba
- Folios: 157.a–267.b
- Total pages: 222
Chapter 6
On the Process of Publication, a Chapter whose Request Could not be Refused
sar+ga drug pa: bskul ba mi ldog ched du ji ltar par du bsgrub pa
- Folios: 268.a–336.b
- Total pages: 138
Chapter 7
The Table of Contents, a Chapter to Make the Purpose Easily Understood
sar+ga bdun pa: dgos don rtogs par sla phyir chos kyi bzhugs byang smos pa
- Folios: 337.a–468.b
- Total pages: 264
Chapter 8
Dedicating the Virtue to Awakening, a Chapter to Make This Composition Meaningful
sar+ga brgyad pa: brtsams pa don yod ched du dge ba byang chub tu bsngo ba
- Folios: 469.a–503.a
- Total pages: 69