Teachings on Sūtra | His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin

This Chötrul Düchen, His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin will speak on Immeasurable Longevity and Wisdom with close reference to The Aparimitāyurjñāna Sūtra


During the teaching, His Holiness Ratna Vajra Rinpoche spoke of the significance of Chotrul Duchen in commemorating the fifteen days during which the Buddha performed a different beneficial miracle each day in Śrāvastī. The merit of our positive actions during these fifteen days is enormously enhanced, and one of the most positive things we can do, he said, is to study the Buddha’s words, the sūtras. He then introduced The Aparimitāyurjñāna Sūtra, which the Buddha taught as a practice anyone can do to loosen the hold of conditions that might shorten life. Honoring the Buddha Aparimitāyurjñāna through reciting this text brings many benefits and is accessible to all. After explaining the initial passages of the text that set out its purpose, His Holiness kindly gave the transmission by reading the whole text in Tibetan.

Related Reading: 

  1. The Aparimitāyurjñāna Sūtra (1), the Tsédo (Toh 674), which is of course very auspicious for long life and whose whose benefits for reading or recitation on this Chötrul Düchen day are powerfully multiplied.
  2. The Aparimitāyurjñāna Sūtra (2) In this sūtra, the Buddha states that those who recite, write, hear, and so on, the praise of this buddha, or make offerings to this text, will have numerous benefits, including a long life and a good rebirth.

About His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin

Renowned for his erudition and the clarity of his teachings, His Holiness is considered one of the most highly qualified lineage masters of Tibetan Buddhism. On March 9, 2017, His Holiness accepted the mantle of leadership from his esteemed father and root guru, as the 42nd Sakya Trizin or throne holder of the lineage. 

Guiding and inspiring Dharma students from all over the world with his wisdom, genuine qualities of unaffected simplicity, humility and complete honesty, His Holiness presents the Buddha’s teachings in the most authentic way, while maintaining the purest of Buddhist traditions. His Holiness regularly transmits numerous empowerments and teachings at renowned Buddhist institutes such as the Sakya Institute, the Dzongsar Institute, Sakya College, Tantric College, International Buddhist Academy, and countless other schools, centers, and monasteries all over the world.

About Teachings on Sūtra

The Teachings on Sūtra webinar series draws from our translated collection of the Tibetan Buddhist canon and explores key themes from the sutras. Each event brings in teachers of the Buddhadharma to speak about the theme with reference to specific texts in the Kangyur, and takes place on what are considered to be the four most auspicious days of the Buddhist calendar: Celebration of the Buddha’s Miracles (Chötrul Düchen), Celebration of the Buddha’s Birth, Awakening, and Parinirvana (Saga Dawa), Celebration of the Buddha’s Teachings (Chökhor Düchen), and Celebration of the Buddha’s Return from the Realms of the Gods (Lhabab Düchen).

Posted: 15 Feb 2024