The White Lotus of Good Dharma

84000 is pleased to announce its newest publication, with a preface by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche:

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The White Lotus of the Good Dharma

The White Lotus of the Good Dharma, popularly known as the Lotus Sūtra, is one of the most revered Mahāyāna sūtras in the history of Buddhism. The Buddha Śākyamuni teaches this sūtra on Vulture Peak to an audience that includes bodhisattvas from countless realms, as well as bodhisattvas who emerge out of the ground from the space below this world. Buddha Prabhūtaratna, who has long since passed into nirvāṇa, appears within a floating stūpa to hear the sūtra, and Śākyamuni enters the stūpa and sits beside him. The Lotus Sūtra is celebrated, particularly in East Asia, as presenting crucial elements of the Mahāyāna tradition, such as the doctrine that there is only one yāna, or “vehicle;” the distinction between expedient and definite teachings; and the notion that the Buddha’s life, enlightenment, and parinirvāṇa were simply manifestations of his transcendent buddhahood, while he continues to teach eternally. A recurring theme in the sūtra is its own significance in teaching these points during past and future eons, with many passages in which the Buddha and bodhisattvas such as Samantabhadra describe the great benefits that come from devotion to this sūtra, the history of its past devotees, and how it is the Buddha’s ultimate teaching, supreme over all other sūtras.

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The White Lotus of the Good Dharma

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